
N. Hubanova*, A. Horchanok, R. Novitskii, V. Sapronova, O. Kuzmenko, N. Grynevych, N. Prisjazhnjuk, M. Lieshchova, O. Slobodeniuk and O. Demyanyuk

In this work the questions concerning the influence of pollutants on the water bioresources of the Dnipro (Zaporizhzhia) reservoir are considered. The results of researches of fish pollution in the Dnipro (Zaporizhzhia) reservoir concerning natural and artificial radionuclides are presented. The general β-activity is determined, the levels of accumulation of natural and artificial radionuclides by hydrobionts are established. The limits of their distribution between organs and in the body of individual fish species, depending on the type of food they eat, are given. The results of general β-activity in fish organs, depending on their type of food, are presented. The conducted studies of the content of radioactive contamination of hydrobionts in the reservoirs indicate that the increase in the content of radionuclides in the body depends on the type of food and the intensity of migration of radionuclides.
The determined indicators of the status of aquatic organisms allow to establish the fish response to increased radioactive contamination, provide an opportunity to estimate the levels of accumulation of radionuclides in the organism of fish and their distribution in organs.

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