Adoption and intensity of adoption of beekeeping technology by farmers: The case of Sheko Woreda of Bench-Maji Zone, South West Ethiopia


Asfaw Albore, Dessalegn Anshiso and Getachew Abraham

Beekeeping delivers the rural people with sources of income, dietary use, pollination service and social benefit. In spite of the benefits obtained from beekeeping, farmer’s resistivity to adopt the recommended modern beekeeping technological components (packages) is among the major problem. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to examine the intensity of adoption of beekeeping technology package, and identify factors influencing adoption and intensity of adoption of beekeeping technology package in Sheko district. Stratified sampling procedure was used to select sample households. A total of 200 household heads were selected randomly from adopters and non-adopters categories of four potential beekeeping localities. Date was collected by using household survey and key informant interview and analyzed by using censured Tobit model. From sampled households 68% of respondents who have bee hive; the majority of them fall under medium adopters’ category. Variations in intensity of adoption of bee hive components were observed among adopter category. The output of censured Tobit model was indicate that six variables such as total livestock unit, apiary site visit by farmer, perceived cost of technology by farmer, distance of market center from home, knowledge of farmers for bee management and availability of bee hive technology were found to have significant influence on adoption and intensity of adoption of bee hive technological package. Therefore, agricultural policy and development interventions should give emphasis to the improvement of institutional support system so as to achieve wider adoption and intensity of adoption for small scale farmers.
Keywords: Adopters; Livestock unit; Non-adopters; Tobit model
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