Antibiotic susceptibilty of bacteria from the Bacillus subtilis group


A.N. Irkitova, A.V. Grebenshchikova, D.E Dudnik

The ability of bacteria to quickly acquire antibiotic resistance and transfer it among different groups are created a global problem, since antibiotics are used not only in medicine, but also in agriculture. That is why to study of the antibiotic sensitivity of not only pathogenic bacteria, but also of beneficial microbes like Bacillus spp. is extremely important. Our results demonstrated that all the studied strains of the B. subtilis group were highly sensitive to cephalexin and enrofloxacin, while resistant to oxacillin. The B. subtilis B-5449 strain was the least resistant to the studied antibiotics, and the B. subtilis B-2896 strain was the most resistant.
Key words: Bacillus subtilis; Bacillus pumilus; antibiotic sensitivity; antibiotics.
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