Assessment of major fruit diseases and insect pests in silte, gurage and yem special woreda, southern Ethiopia


M. Kebede* and K. Bamud

Fruit crops are important both for health and economy; but the amount and mode of production is still weak in Ethiopia. This is because of various diseases and insect pests attack which reduce the quantity and quality of the product. The field survey was carried out in 2022 production season in major fruit crop of avocado, mango, orange and papaya at Silte, Gurage and Yem special woreda with the objectives of assessing the distribution of major diseases and insect pests. The survey result revealed that the highest mean infection of Anthracnose (16.7%, 31.6% and 14.7%,) were recorded from avocado, mango, and papaya, respectively. Whereas, the maximum mean severity of powdery mildew (19.2%, 27.7%, 16.5% and 11.3%) were recorded from avocado, mango, orange and papaya, respectively. The prevalence of orange scab and canker disease were 41.3% and 58.2%, respectively. Conversely, the mean intensity of mango white scale (Aulacaspis tubercularis) and woolly whitefly (Aleurothrixus Floccusus) of orange were 17.2% and 9.3%, respectively. The current results provide information on the magnitude of the damage due to different diseases and insect pest of fruit crop and will be useful to direct future disease management strategies. Thus, requests the need of management strategy that targets in reducing the occurrence of major diseases and insect pest infestation with various integrated pest management practices through considering the sustainability of farming system.

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