Bioenergy efficiency of the usage of biopreparations for the growth of white lupine in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


S.V. Pyda, O.V. Tryhuba, O.B. Kononchuk, I.A. Hutsalo

The results of research of energy efficiency of pre-sowing processing with rhizobophyt of seeds of white lupine’s varieties Diet and August on the basis of Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus)’s strains 367a and 5500/4, by Plant Growth Regulators (PGR), Regoplant and Stimpo. During the energy assessment, two main streams were distinguished: energy consumption and accumulated energy of the final product. The energy consumption calculation showed that the energy accumulated in the economically valuable part of the crop (grain of lupine), significantly exceeds the expenses of its production. Total energy expenditures for growing lupine depended on the tangible material and human resources for its cultivation and fluctuated within the limits of 6924.7 (control)-7194.1 MJ/ha (rhizobophyt of both strains with PGR Regoplant). According to the results of calculations of the total energy expenditures for growing lupine and its increasing with the harvest, a coefficient of energy efficiency was determined which in the variety of Diet in experimental variants increased by 6.1-27.8% compared with the control, the August variety - by 10.2-23,9%. Application of rhizofophyt compositions, strain 367a+PGR Regoplant and rhizobophyt, strain 5500/4 + PGR Regoplant contributed to an increase in the energy efficiency of both varieties.

Keywords: White lupine; variety; rhizobophyte; plant growth regulators; energy efficiency

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