Biological control of house fly
A.P. Paliy, N.V. Sumakova, A.P. Paliy, K.V. Ishchenko
We determined that Musca domestica L. is the most abundant zoophilous fly in the pig stock complex. Musca domestica has been found to play a leading role in the transfer of exogenous forms of helminths. We also identified the Ascaris and Oesophagostomum eggs in our study. We proved that the Musca stabulans could be the source of environmental pollution of eggs by Trichostrongylidae. Our data concerning the laboratory breeding Hydrotea aenescens testified the possibility of its use as a biological agent that could control the harmful activity of houses fly at livestock farms and complexes. We revealed that one generation of Hydrotea aenescens could grow in 24 days at optimum temperatures of 26-27 °C. Lowering the temperature to 20 °C had prolonged the generation time to 40 days and reduced the age of the imago from 20 to 14 days. Low positive temperatures delayed the development of larvae, but not affected the basic biological characteristics of the species. We also established that the density of 0.5-1.0 larvae/cm3 per substrate was optimal; when we increased the density, this lead to a decreasing the viability of the species. The consumption of house fly larvae by predator larvae grows with an increase in the prey density. Thus, we registered that the larva can destroy 11 larvae of house fly per day.