
A.P. Palii*, A.A. Holovatiuk, O.S. Pushka, I.M. Pushka, R.V. Oliadnichuk, V.V. Kravchenko and A.V. Voitik

The world pace of livestock development is one of the highest in the world, leading to a deterioration of the ecological state as a whole. It is known that livestock breeding emits up to 9% of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, the environmental costs of livestock production should be reduced at least several times. Following the European Commission Decree No. 2017/302, which stipulates the development of the best available technologies for harvesting of forages and growing of animals, we have investigated the efficiency of using full-range fodders of different degree of grinding in the growing of heifers after the dairy period.The influence of feed of different physical structure on the growth and development of heifers was determined. Experimental studies have confirmed that the provision of moderate-intensive growth of heifers for repair is achieved by feeding full-range fodder mix with the following particle ratio of feed in the daily dosage (%): 0-1 cm - 37.6; 1-2 cm - 30.7; 2-3 cm - 14.3; 3-4 cm - 11.4; 4-5 cm - 4.5; >5 cm - 1.5%. At the same time, feed intake is increased by 5% compared to the age group of the control group, the time spent on the cucumber is reduced by 4.3%, which makes it possible for the group III heirs to stay ahead of the elders of other groups in live weight at 16 months by 12-20 kg (P ≥ 0.95). It is shown that optimization of the granulometric composition of full-fodder feed improves the timing of the arrival of heifers in hunting and their productive use. Thus, there is reason to assert that the use of full-fodder fodders of a specific granulometric composition is a profitable technological method for preparing forage and feeding heifers, since it enables to increase the consumption, productive effect of feed and obtain a live weight of 371-382 kg at the age of 425-430 days and accelerate the onset of economic maturity of animals for 20-25 days.

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