Change of microbiological properties of disturbed permafrost soils during their restoration under the influence of fertilizers


A. N. Tikhanovsky

The extent of microbiological processes in soil is determined not only by the number of microorganisms, but mainly by their activity. Therefore, it is extremely relevant to study the influence of various organic, mineral fertilizers, lime used for the cultivation of gley-podzolic soils of the Far North, on the change of intensity and development of the most important microbiological processes in these soils. In its natural state, soils are a multi-component system consisting of many heterogeneous microenvironments inhabited by microorganisms with different food chains. In anthropogenic activities, and in particular, in the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, the environmental conditions in soils change significantly, leading to a significant adjustment in taxonomic structure of microbial cenoses and their functional activities. Particularities of soil-climatic conditions also significantly affect species composition and features of functioning of microbocenoses in soils. Therefore, when choosing the most effective methods of soil cultivation in each particular climate zone, a lot of attention is paid to their biological assessment. The studies show that fertilizer and lime has a positive effect on the prokaryote complex of soil microorganisms of everfrozen soils.

Keywords: Everfrozen soils;  Fertilizers;  Peat;  Manure;  Lime;  Bacteria;  Fungi;  Soil enzymes


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DOI: 10.7868 / S00023329130101284–151

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