Cluster based large scale demonstration of improved food barley technology in gurage and silte zone, Southern Ethiopia


A. Abdala*

Cluster Based Large Scale Demonstration (CBLSD) of food barley was conducted in Geta, Gumer from Gurage Zone and Alicho Woreda from Silte Zone. The Woredas were selected purposively based on the potential of food barley production. The objective of this paper was to demonstrate improved food barley technology at cluster base. From the three Woredas three food barley potential Kebeles were selected. Accordingly, Bole, Sinankoroficha and Kechemo Kebele where selected from Gumer, Geta and Alicho Woreda respectively. Farmers who have land in cluster were selected depending on their willingness. Each Woreda contains 20 hectares of land was covered in collaboration with the districts level experts and Kebele level Development Agents (DAs). One popular variety called HB1307 was demonstrated along with its full-recommended packages in the study areas. Training was given to develop awareness for a total of 52 participants (42 farmers, 4 researchers 3 DA and 3 experts) at different stage on production practice of food barley technology. To demonstrate the food barley technology, a field day was organized by inviting different stakeholders (Farmers, DAs, Experts and Researchers). Accordingly, a total of 378 participants were participated (male 287and female 91). The variety (HB 1307) demonstrated at study districts was acceptable during field visit and field day by farmers due to its disease tolerant, well adaptation and its productivity after harvesting showed a high yield performance. Therefore, the mean grain yield of the improved food barley technology was 42.6, 37.7 and 39.2 quintal per hectare in Gumer, Geta and Alicho Woreda respectively. Therefore, based on the results shown above HB1307 is the best performed variety in the study area. So that, the woredas extensions should have extend for the community widely.

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