Comparative analysis of floristic lists of the desert part of the Syr Darya valley


P.V. Vesselova, G.M. Kudabayeva

Here in comparative aspect the results of studying the species structure of the plant canopy of the Syr Darya valley (within the Kyzylorda region) at the territories with different types and degree of plant canopy destruction are presented are presented in this article. The areas of the explored territories were defined by the purposes and tasks of definite botanical researches. For convenience of perception the sequence of material statement was constructed not in the chronological order of the carried out researches, but in direction of decreasing the area of the investigated territory. Data processing was carried out in two stages. The first stage included definition of a spectrum of the leading families of floristic lists of the investigated territories. The second stage was the comparative analysis of taxonomical structure and the revealed of the species variety of the studied territories of a desert part of the Syr Darya valley.

Keywords: Floristic list; desert part of the Syr Darya valley; spectrum of the leading families

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