Cyperaceae Juss. and Juncaceae A. Rich ex Kunt. Phytoliths of Western Siberia


M.Y. Solomonova, N.Y. Speranskaya, M.S. Blinnikov, E.Y. Kharitonova, Y.V. Pechatnova, M.M. Silantieva

The article presents results of studies of silica phytoliths in seven species of Cyperaceae and two species of Juncaceae from Western Siberia. The participation of different morphotypes in the total phytolith assemblage was calculated as percentages. The analysis of the specificity of different forms of silicification was carried out.

Keywords: Carex; Cyperaceae; Juncaceae; Juncus; Luzula; phytoliths; monocotyledons

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