Design of residential complex in order to increase quality of life with emphasis on open and semi-open private spaces


M.N. Asli

The open space to this day has been an inseparable part of human life, and man has lived through open space communication, but in today's residential units he has been forced to choose a vertical residence and ignore the presence of nature and connection with it in general. Nowadays, open spaces do not have the meaning of the past and lack the architectural value and lacking architectural value because these spaces are not initially designed and they are remainings of built spaces.
While open and semi-open spaces, from the past and in our traditional architecture, have played a major role in the traditional architecture of space, and in general, its shape and geometry has used its environmental features, and most of the individual and social activities of the human being was in it and in the past architecture it was built in the same way in the building.
Open spaces today can be a good solution to the relationship between human life and nature, because open spaces play an important role both psychologically and physically in human life.
The research is composed of two stages. In the first stage, the library methodology and the study of documents, the types of open and semi-open spaces, and the history of modern housing has been described, and its characteristics has been compared with the characteristics of traditional housing.
Subsequently, by presenting the human physical and mental needs, a theoretical framework has been determined for indicating the criteria for the study space. The second stage of the research was conducted by field survey and the collection of existing samples and their analysis based on the criteria of the first stage.
The results of this research are guidelines for designing open and semi-open private spaces in housing, which is in the form of three levels of strategy and suggestions in the field of design.

Keywords: Residential complex; quality of life; open and semi-open private spaces

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