Development and structure of phytoplankton in the middle part of Kremenchug reservoir


M.I. Khyzhniak, N.Ya. Rudyk-Leuska, N.Yu. Yevtushenko, M.V. Leuskyi,S.V. Dudnyk, O.V. Danchuk, N.I.Tson, O.Y. Dumych

An analysis of quantitative and qualitative composition of phytoplankton in the middle part of the Kremenchug reservoir in the water area near the village of Chervona Sloboda, the village of Lesky and the village of Khudyaki in August 2016 is presented. The peculiarities of its formation in this period are established, and the changes that took place in the structure of its grouping are determined. The phytoplankton values of the Kremenchug reservoir were at the level of the total number of 16.8–54.0 million cells/dm3, the total biomass of 2.3–4.9 mg/dm3 and tended to develop in previous years. The basis of phytoplankton was formed by three groups of algae: Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta. Green algae (class Chlorophyta) developed the least: their share was 3.1–28.8% of the total. The most represented species were Volvox aureus Ehr., Micractinium pusillum Fresen., Pandorina morum (O. Müll.) Bory and Chlamydomonas reinchardtii Dang. Diatoms algae (class Bacillariophyta) accounted for 19.2–62.4% of the total biomass, which was quite important in the formation of phytoplankton. Our data shows that Melosira granulata (Ehr.) Ralfs, M. angustissima Neizvestnova-Zhadina, Nitzschia acicularis (Kütz.) W. SmITH. prevailed among diatoms in all three studied areas. Blue-green algae (class Cyanophyta) predominated at all sampling stations No 1, 2, and 3, amounting to 26.0–93.7%  and formed the basis of the phytoplankton community. In this group of algae the most represented species were: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault, Anabaena flos-aquae  (L.) Bory,  Microcystis aeruginosa Kützing, (station No 1 and 2), An. flos-aquae, M. aeruginosa (station No 3). Calculation of the Berger-Parker dominance index showed that at all sampling stations the highest rates had only alga M. aeruginosa. Its dominant role gradually decreased along the Dnieper: DBP = 0.83, 0.53, and 0.41 at sampling stations No 1, 2, and 3, respectively. As a result of intensive development of colonial alga M. aeruginosa, it acquired the status of absolute dominant and subdominant species in the structure of this phytoplankto?enosis. Thus, cyanobacteria have become the dominant group of photosynthetic organisms of this phytoplanktocenosis. In such a way occurs the succession of diffuse nature of regressive type towards the monodominance of the community, which threatens the balance of this hydroecosystem in general.

Keywords: Phytoplankton; cyanobacteria; aquatic organisms; Kremenchug reservoir


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