Ecological and economic aspects of agricultural land use in European integration processes


T.O. Stepanenko, O.I. Khloponina-Gnatenko, S.V. Stankevych, A.S. Sokolov

The directions to increase land resources reproduction efficiency and the modal formation strategy of ecologically balanced measures system for their effective employment are defined. Theoretical and methodological principles of the formation and development of effective employment of land resources at agricultural enterprises in the context of European integration processes are substantiated. Economic and ecological problems of land use and the ways to solve them were analyzed. It is established that the organization of land resources employment should be based on considering the land resource potential and regional features of productive forces development. Simultaneously, it is obligatory to comply with the ecological requirements during land management and rational use of land at the expense of regulating their distribution according to the categories, lands, and owners. A structural and logical model of objective factors influencing agricultural enterprises' efficient products such as market relations, government regulation, ecological and social conditions is proposed. In the course of the research, the main directions of improving agricultural land use efficiency were identified. We established that to improve land use, it is necessary to introduce the optimization of the sown area structure, taking into account the anti-erosion measures, ecological factors, and ecologically safe management requirements. It is necessary to consider the solution of agriculture's economic and ecological problems through environmentally friendly land use, which should be based on an ecologically balanced approach to the employment of natural resources, which allows restoring soil fertility and increasing agricultural productivity lands.

Key words: land resources, ecological and economic efficiency, ecologically safe land use, efficiency, rational use, land ownership, soil protective system, agricultural lands, crop rotations, production technologies, legal regulation



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