Ecological background of the transboundary protected touristic territory in Western Altai


E. V. Selezneva, I. N. Rotanova

Among the priority areas of international cooperation, environmental activities and the environmental imperative can be distinguished, which is directly reflected in the development of networks of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of bordering countries, represented by various forms of organization of environmental institutions (biosphere reserves, nature reserves, national and natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc.). International transboundary territories can often include objects of environmental protection and conservation of biological and landscape diversity of border regions, in particular, transboundary SPNA. The article deals with the organization of transboundary tourist areas in the Altai, including environmental institutions – transboundary conservation and tourist territories (TCTT). As an example, the transboundary biosphere reserve "Great Altai" on the basis of the State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Katunsky" (Russia, Altai Republic) and Katon-Karagay State National Natural Park (Kazakhstan, East-Kazakhstan region) is given. It is proposed to organize SPNA in the Russian-Kazakh border area of the Western Altai – Altai Krai (Russia) and East-Kazakhstan Region (Kazakhstan). Analyzed and evaluated the natural and tourist potential and protected areas of the region for the organization of SPNA in Western Altai.
Keywords: Tourism; Transboundary conservation and tourism territory; Protected areas; Altai; West Altai; Altai Krai; East-Kazakhstan Region
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