Ecological Condition Of Fish Ponds


M. Y. Yevtushenko, M. I. Khyzhnyak

The impact of anthropogenic factors on water quality and biological productivity of the waters is generalized. The forms of toxic impact of different pollutants on fish organisms, planktonic and benthic groups, as well as processes of formation of primary production are adduced. The impact of pollution, intensification measures of water quality, species diversity, biological productivity, and ecosystems are summarized. We found that at low concentrations of heavy metals there is inhibition of the formation of primary production and tropic relationships through death fodder and imbalance between the auto- and heterotrophic organisms, which eventually leads to disruption of biotic turnover and destabilization of aquatic ecosystems. All the above indicates the unstable state of aquatic ecosystems of fishery ponds. The development of these adverse processes and the flow of pollutants into the aquatic environment of toxic substances from the catchment areas and the formation of autochthonous toxicants in the same waters as a result of transformation of chemical compounds would have a negative impact on fish and biological productivity of ponds, lakes and small reservoirs, rivers and reduces the quality of fish products. This situation requires the introduction of a new monitoring system of changes in the quality of the aquatic environment and development of effective measures to overcome its negative critical changes.


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