Ecological interaction of Typha And Phragmites aquatic weeds species in ‘Kadawa’ reservior, Kano River irrigation system


A. Sani, I.L. Abdullahi , M. Bilkisu

Major surface water, the Kano River was impounded over 30 years ago with the ambition of irrigating 180,000 Ha of land. In this study, a major reservoir of the Tiga lake irrigation system was invaded by two emergent weed species, Typha and Phragmites. Understanding the growth, water parameters of these species growing zones, nutrient concentration, phenology, plant stand density per square meter and the type of interaction between the two species were investigated for about a year. Modified transect and quadrant sampling techniques were adopted for plant density. Weekly water samples were analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters using standard water procedures. The result showed that water parameters of the growing zones of the both species were relatively similar. However, DO and BOD of Typha growing site was higher. Typha domingensis had an average plant height of 2.50 m less than the usual height of the species found in some habitats in the area. Similarly the height of Phragmites australis was 3.7 m less than the normal height of 4-5 meters reported. Phragmites had a higher stand density of about 107 per (sq meters) compared to 61 per m for Typha. The capacity of Phragmites to maximize space given its density per square meter, the species could expand faster and affect existing interaction between the two species in the reservoir over space and time.

Keywords: Aquatic plants; interaction; reservoir; ecology

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