Ecological plasticity and adaptibility of Chinese winter wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) under the conditions of North-East forest steppe of Ukraine


V.A. Vlasenko, O.M. Bakumenko, O.M. Osmachko, A.O. Burdulaniuk, V.I. Tatarynova, V.M. Demenko, T.O. Rozhkova, O.M. Yemets, V.I. Bilokopytov, S.M. Horbas, M. Fanhua, Z. Qian

The results of research as for adaptive potential of Chinese winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties are represented. 50 new varietis of Chinese origin were analyzed under the conditions of left-bank side of north-east forest steppe of Ukraine: ultra-early ripening-10%; early ripening-54%; mid-early ripening-12%; mid-ripening-24%. As for the level of winter resistance, all groups of introduced vatieties yielded to the standard (the cultivar Podolyanka) though they had a great index level (score 6.4-7.9). In general, Chinese varieties under the conditions of the research were characterized by relatively satisfactory winter resistance condition; 52%of analyzed samples overwintered at the level of standard with the score 8. Among them: ultra-early ripening-2%; early ripening-20%; mid-early ripening-8%; mid-ripening-22%. As for the plant height we identified a great range of fluctuations-from dwarf (30-50 cm) to growth medium (81-110 cm) forms. The analyzed genotypes were divided into growth medium forms-22%, semi-dwarf forms-64%and dwarf forms-14%. There was a direct relation between: a ripeness group → plant height (r=0.96) → resistance to overwintering (r=0.78) → ripeness group (r=0.92). The shorter the period of genotype vegetation is, the lower the plants and the score of plants overwintering are as the correlation coefficient is near +1, which indicates the close direct correlative connection between these indices. Among the analyzed samples a high resistance against a disease group had such varieties: early ripening genotypes-Lankao 906, DF529, DF581, Shi 4185, СА0175, Zhongmai 9, Shixin 733, Jimai 22 Shimai 12; middle-early ripening genotypes-Zhong mai 19, Shijra zhuang 8, Lun Zhou 10; mid-ripening genotypes-Lun Zhou 1, Lun Zhou 2, Longzhong 3, Longzhong 4, Longzhong 7, Longzhong 12. As for the crop productivity the following genotypes early ripening-DF529, Jimai 19; middle-early ripening-Jingdong 8, Shijiazhuang 8, Longzhong 10; middle-ripening-Longzhong 2, Longzhong 3, Longzhong 4, Longzhong 5, Longzhong 7, Longzhong 8, Longzhong 11, Longzhong 12, NSA 97-2082 were better than the cultivar standard. 16%of analyzed varieties distinguished by the complex of researched characteristics-Shijiazhuang 8, DF529 Longzhong 2, Longzhong 3, Longzhong 4, Longzhong 7, Longzhong 10, Longzhong 12. They were characterized by a high adaptibility and significant indices of homeostasis (54,5-868,4), plant breeding value (5.5-9.3), and stability (0.2). Having analyzed the received indices as for homeostasis and adaptibility we made sure that Chinese varieties realized its genetic potential-40-80% under the conditions of north-east forest steppe of Ukraine It was stipulated by the fact that the most new cultivars were introduced from the province of Gansu which is located on t the II terrain platform of China and is the closest one to the conditions of Ukraine as for the eco-gradient.

Keywords: Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); variety; adaptibility; ripeness groups; plant height; winter resistance condition; resistance to diseases; crop productivity

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