
V.G. Kuryata*, О.V. Kushnir and О.О. Kravets

We were determined the effect of 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) on morphogenesis, formation of leaf mesostructure and leaf surface area of sweet pepper plant (Capsicum annuum L.) and phytocenosis. The application of 0,005% aqueous solution of 6-BAP at the budding phase accelerated the growth and thickening of plants, increased in the total number and weight of leaves, and improved the leaf surface area. At the coenotic level, drug interaction caused changes in leaf surface area of treated planted that increased in an important indicator of the production process — leaf index (LI). The relative proportion of leaf weight among the organs of 6-BAP-treated plant grew compared to control. Drug application led to a thickening and optimization of leaf mesostructure, intesificated a development of assimilative parenchyma due to an increase in the volume and linear dimensions of assimilative cells. The chlorophyll content of experimental trials increased. Consequently, the photosynthetic activity of a unit leaf surface area increased – net photosynthetic productivity (NPF) under 6-benzylaminopurine was higher. These changes created the prerequisites to increase gross photosynthetic crop production and accumulation of assimilates in the leaves. Accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by the vegetative organs of 6-BAP treated plant improved, and supply of the elements to fruits increased. The obtained results indicate significant accumulative capacity of stems and root of sweet pepper plants. A significant part of nitrogen-containing compounds, phosphorus and potassium contained in those organs and gradually decreased due to intensive nitrogen outflow to fruits during the whole vegetation period. The yield of sweet pepper plants increased under 6-BAP application due to the optimization of leaf mesostructural organization, an increase in the leaf surface area and phytocenosis, an improvement in the supply of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen compounds to the fruits.

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