Effect of different ratios of chemical fertilizers on cotton yield (Gossypium hirsutum L.)


M.M. Darmanov*, S.E. Narmatov, N.R. Rahmatova, R.R. Akhmedov, Kh.A. Ubaydullaeva, A.S. Imamkhadjaeva, M.S. Ayubov and Z.T. Buriev

Cotton is one of the most important cash crops in the world. Cotton plants cultivated in more than 80 countries around the world within 30 million hectares of land. In recent years, global climate change, shrinking water resources, deteriorating reclamation of arable land, and growing demand for food have led to a reduction in cotton plantations. At the same time, this requires new approaches for cotton cultivation. In particular, it is necessary to develop and implement new fertilization standards/methods. It needs research on the achievements of modern science. In this article, data were obtained by treating the Porlok-4 cotton variety with various ratios of chemical fertilizers and their effect on yield and other agronomic characteristics. The Porlock-4 were fertilized with chemical fertilizers in 3 different ratios (NPK 1:0,7:0,5, NPK 0,7:1:0,5 and control) and observed during vegetative period. According to the observation, the yield and other agronomic characteristics in the variant NPK 0,7:1:0,5 showed a higher yield compared to the control sample when the ratio was NPK 1:0,7:0,5.

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