
V. Yatsenko*, O. Ulianych, S. Shchetyna, G. Slobodyanyk, N. Vorobiova, Z. Kovtunyuk, L. Voievoda, V. Kravchenko and O. Lazariev

For the purpose of improving the quality of garlic organic products, the influence of humus and different norms of vermicompost on the yield, nutritional value and antibacterial properties of common garlic (Allium sativum L.). The use of the vermicompost for garlic gives an increase in the yield at the level of 1.7–3.9 t ha of the garlic cultivar ‘Prometei’ compared to the control ‘Sofiiskyi’ and 2.2–5.2 in relation to the control of the garlic cultivar ‘Prometei’. It was established that the caloric content of the product with the fertilizer of vermicompost may increase to 22.68 g 100 g1 fresh weight (FW), with the fertilize of 5 t ha-1 of vermicompost, and the total content of sugar is increasing by 21.52–40.81% depending on the cultivar. The content of vitamins increased in parallel with increasing in the rate of vermicompost. As a result of laboratory studies, the influence of varietal features on the accumulation of vitamins was revealed. The antibacterial effect of the garlic essential oils against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis was significant; the diameters of the inhibition zone were S. aureus is 21.35–27.10 mm, E. coli – 16.97–26.46 mm, B. subtilis – 16.42–25.36 mm, and the number of Mycobacterium smegmatis colonies decreased by 23.96–43.44%. This study has been proved that garlic juice had played a very important role in struggling with the studied bacteria (S. aureus, E. coli and B. subtilis); therefore it can replace chemical antibiotics that have always had unwanted side effects on the body such as allergy and antimicrobial resistance. The obtained data shows that using of vermicompost was more effective than fertilizer of humus.

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