Endemic and relic species plants of Badakhshsan (Pamirs) and new approach to their conservation


M. Olonova, P. Gudkova, D. Navruzshoev, M. Barkworth

Badakhshan, situated in Pamir is one of Eurasia’s biodiversity hotspots. Research shows that Badakhshan has 95 narrowly endemic species that are not found in other areas of Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Of these, 50 species grow only in the Tajik part, 36 species - only in the Afghan part, and 9 are found in both parts of Badakhshan. There are 52 preglacial relicts restricted to the Tajik part and 24 – to the Afghan part as well. We proposed to add 39 of the relict species in the Tajik part to the Red Data Book of Republic of Tajikistan and all 24 relict species in the Afghan part to add to the Afghanistan National Red List. The areas of special protected – Important Plant Area (IPA), are the base for supporting natural plant biodiversity. We also suggested to include 75 additional species in the national lists of vulnerable species (73 species in Tajikistan, and 65 species in Afghanistan).

Keywords: conservation, Important Plant Areas, endemics, Pamirs



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