Environmental design as a modern cultural trend


V.D. Severyn, N.V. Severin, M.K. Chebotarev, M.I. Adamenko, V.O. Shvedun, S.V. Stankevych*, S.I. Sysoieva, T.V. Antonenko and M.V. Matsyura

The authors note that environmental design should solve philosophical, ethical and psychological problems, motivate for harmonious coexistence with nature and form an environmental culture. It is highlighted tat environmental culture is considered as the axiological basis of design, the basis of professional ethics, the paradigm of thinking, the determinant of activity, a component of professional education that focuses on the formation of an active position in solving of the problems of rational use of natural resources. It is emphasized that the formation of environmental competence and the study of the basics of environmental design in the education system makes it possible for future specialists to form value ideas about interaction of the environment and humanity. The main components of formation of the environmental competence of the future designer are the following: psychological and pedagogical training, technological preparation, purposeful organization, planning and support of the process of formation of environmental competence.

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