Ethnobotanical investigation and phytochemical screening of two species of the lamiaceae family in el-bayadh province (Western of Algeria)


H.E.S. Medjaher, A.H. Benchohra* and A. Ayache

An ethnobotanical survey was carried out on 200 people of different age categories, sex, professional situation and level of education in the province of El Bayadh; to find out the different traditional uses of two species belonging to the Lamiaceae family: Rosmarinus officinalis alba.L and Mentha spicata.L. This preliminary study was complemented by a phytochemical screening to identify the main secondary metabolites that make them plants with therapeutic virtues. Our results revealed that the leaves are the most used parts in the form of infusion, decoction and essential oils. Rosemary shows therapeutic effects concerning biliary insufficiency, which occupies the first place with a percentage of 40%, followed by digestive disorders 30%, and rheumatic disorders 30%. Whereas Mint is used for the treatment of various pathologies, neurological, digestive, circulatory, respiratory and rheumatic with respective percentages (38%, 30%, 21%, 8.50%, 2.50%). Phytochemical screening confirms the richness of these two species in alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, carotenoids, saponosides, coumarins, quinones, glycosides and reducing compounds.

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