Evaluation of consumer quality parameters in environmental laundry products


O. Verenikin, Y. Slyva

The article presents an assessment of consumer quality parameters of the products of the current "Delamark" enterprise, in particular, developed by the authors of the original formulations of washing powders.

The relevance of the work is due to the modern state of production of detergents controlled by the latest approaches to standardization and certification. This provides an enabling ground for both the improvement of the standards themselves and the development of new environmentally sound detergent formulations. The classification of detergents by composition and environmental characteristics provides for the assessment of their quality according to the corresponding consumer indicators, among which the most relevant ones are chosen. The subject of the study was qualitative indicators of organoleptic (smell, color, appearance), functional (detergency, foaming ability, reduced strength of cotton fabric, ash content of cotton fabric after 25 washing cycles) and environmental (biological folding) indicators.

It has been proved that the original formulations developed as part of the experiment for the "Delamark" enterprise, as well as the technologies for their manufacture, fully comply with the requirements of the Standard for the Organization of Ukraine SOU OEM 2016 "Detergents and cleaning products environmental criteria for the life cycle assessment" according to the certification scheme according to ISO 14024, and the functional characteristics of the developed samples.

Keywords:    indicators; formulations; components; standards; compliance with standards


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