Еffect Of Plant Growth Regulators On Antioxidant Enzymes Protection Under Anthropogenic Emissions


O. M. Vasilyuk

The paper presents analysis of general (GА, Px, ΔЕ, ml∙sec) and specific (SA, Px, ΔЕ, mg∙sec) of oxidoreductase enzyme activity (Peroxidase, Px, EC, which together with Catalase (Cat, EC forms a double link antioxidant protection of cells in the organisms of different levels of organization (non-specific response to stress) in the conditions of increasing redox processes under the exogenous stress. These markers of changeable environmental factors were sampled in the leaves of Salix alba L., which grew along Mokra Sura River (anthropogenically polluted with high level of salinity, experiment) and Shpakova River (without anthropogenic impact, control). These rivers belong to the basin of the Dnieper River (Steppe Dnieper region) that has high industrial load. We used plant growth regulator "Kornevin" in order to accelerate the rooting and reduce the exogenous pressures on the plants. We detected nonspecific reaction towards peroxidase in anthropogenic pressure conditions and determined significant differences between experiment and control regards antioxidant protection depending on growth and development conditions


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