Green energy and environmental protection: Problems of state regulation in Ukraine and EU experience


D.Ju. Polkovnychenko, N.V. Grigorenko, O.I. Liashevska, M.A. Bolovnev, N.I. Kalashnik, T.A. Filippova, S.V. Stankevych

The problems of state regulation in the field of green energy have been examined in the paper. In particular, a comparison of management principles in the field of green energy in Ukraine and in the European Union has been carried out. It has been emphasized that in Ukraine, in contrast to the European Union countries, management in the field of green energy is carried out exclusively by the state. Measures for the reformation of the Ukraine’s green energy have been analyzed. It has been also noted that the development of a set of measures to bring the Ukrainian energy market closer to the European one was completed. In addition, Ukraine joined the International Energy Charter, which, in turn, provides an opportunity to successfully meet the current and future challenges of global energy industry with the support of other countries.

Keywords: State regulation; The field of green energy; Problems; Principles of management; The complex of measures


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