
O. Vyshnevska*, O. Litvak, I. Melnyk, T. Oliinyk and S. Litvak

Our research generalized the essence of globalization, its impact on the world economy and society. The authors argue that each subject of the global space should have specific initial prerequisites and opportunities for adaptation to global changes, ensuring stable performance in the world scene. Negative global trends, as well as their impact on the environment, are determined. The study proves the expediency of using the adaptive approach in preserving various ecological systems of the world, environmental quality in parallel to leveling environmental risks and preserving natural and biological diversity in different regions of the world. The study outlines critical priorities in implementing the adaptive approach to minimize ecological threats because of their complexity and scale. The adaptive approach's essence is to adapt to the external environment, given the existing internal threats. The adaptive approach is more effective, as it does not impose tight restrictions and implies each state's ability to independently choose directions and priorities for further development, with due regard to both resource capabilities and national interests. The paper proves that implementation of the adaptive approach results in the effectiveness of measures aimed at serving the interests of the state and society, keeping in mind the depth and extent of problems, peculiarities, and pace of socio-economic development of any state as well as social consciousness concerning the existing ecological threats. The authors determined that crucial areas of adaptation for Ukraine include developing ecological networks, increased use of alternative energy sources, improvement of domestic waste management combined with environmental education and consciousness to each element of the environment. Adaptation efficiency critically depends on responsibility for the adoption, implementation, and effectiveness of the identified critical approaches at all government levels. Responsibility is a significant prerequisite and the basis for implementing the previously mentioned adaptive approach concerning the efficiency of environmental preservation measures, including commitments under the international agreement on climate action – the Paris Agreement.

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