In vitro micropropagation and ex vitro rooting of some potato varieties


D.A. Durnikin, N.A. Kolpakov, K.Y. Guseva, A.V. Matsyura

The article presents the results on selection of optimal concentrations of nutrient media components and nutrient solution at the stages of clonal micropropagation of potato varieties Lyubava, Kemerovochanin, and Tuleevskiy (actual reproduction, rooting in vitro, adaptation to ex vitro conditions). The influence of some components of the nutrient medium (sucrose, agar-agar, growth regulators, namely α-naphthyl acetic acid, β-indolyl acetic acid, and β-indolyl propionic acid) was studied at the stages of reproduction and rooting in order to obtain regenerants of the studied potato varieties. The best development of plants on nutrient medium with addition of 4 g L-1 of agar-agar was revealed. The addition of sucrose in the concentration of 3-5% contributed to the formation of more internodes. The influence of naphthyl acetic acid, β-indolyl oil, and β-indolyl propionic acids in different concentrations on the rhizogenesis of regenerating plants of three potato varieties at the stages of reproduction and establishment of different types and concentrations of auxins was studied. The researches have shown that a one-stage method of adaptation of Solanum tuberosum L. varieties of Lyubava, Kemerovochanin, and Tuleevskiy to the conditions of ex vitro cultivation with the use of hydroponic installation is characterized by efficiency and allows to receive plants with well-developed root system. The efficiency of using the hydroponic plant for adaptation of potato regenerants at the final stage of micropropagation is shown.
Key words: Healing planting material; Clonal micropropagation; Potatoes; Nutrient medium; Adaptation to ex vitro conditions
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