Influence of antibacterial agents on vaccine strains of Anthrax
H. A. Zaviryukha, U. M. Yanenko, T. B. Vasylieva, N. I. Kosyanchuk, N. H. Sorokina, H. V. Kozlovska, O. L. Kravtsova, O. O. Marchuk, L. M. Muzykina
Neutralization of spore-forming pathogenic microflora is carried out by solutions of disinfectants repeatedly. Antibacterial agents when used uncontrolled can reduce the sensitivity of microorganisms and as a result cause severe complications. Of considerable interest is the combined use of antibiotics with antibacterial drugs of plant origin. The use of antimicrobial agents of plant origin is due to their low toxicity, the possibility of long-term use, greater availability and ability to biodegradation, while synthetic drugs: antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, antiseptics have strong activity. Therefore, of great interest is the combined use of antibiotics with antibacterial drugs of plant origin. The object of our study were vaccine strains of the anthrax pathogen: B. anthracis K-79Z, B. anthracis 34F2 and anthrax-like bacilli B. cereus 8035, in spore form, disinfectants – sterilium (classic pur), ethanol 96%, alcohol solutions chlorophyllipt (1%) and propolis (7%). Studies have shown that bacteria of the strain B. cereus 8035 were insensitive to disinfectants of non-vegetable origin in the native and diluted state at exposures of 30, 60, 120 minutes and 24 hours of incubation, as evidenced by the intensive growth of the culture on meat-peptone agar (MPA). In the study of the disinfecting effect of 96% ethanol and sterile on the B. anthracis K-79Z strain, it was found that after exposure for 30, 60, 120 minutes and 24 hours, bacterial growth is recorded when using the native and disinfectant. Strains B. anthracis K-79Z and B. cereus 8035 were found to be more resistant to the action of disinfectants of plant and synthetic origin. In the future, we plan to continue the study of strains of the anthrax pathogen and anthrax bacilli on the sensitivity to disinfectants and to determine the relationship between the toxigenic characteristics of the strains.
Keywords: B. anthracis; Ethanol 96%; Sterilium; Propolis; Chlorophyllipt
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