Influence of pre-sowing seed treatment with MFF and growth regulators on winter wheat and spring barley development


V.V. Bezpal'ko, S.V. Stankevych, L.V. Zhukova, V.V. Horiainova, O.P. Adamenko, O.Yu. Zaiarna, O.M. Batova, D.T. Gentosh, L.M. Bondareva, R.M. Mamchur, O.H. Afanasieva, L.V. Popova, I.A. Zhuravska, H.M. Marteniuk, O.V. Gepenko

We registered that seed treatment with MWF of EHF, and in combination with the growth regulator, Mars EL increased the height of the winter wheat plants of the Astet variety from the spring resumption of vegetation on average by 4.0–7.9 cm at 66.6 cm under control. The tillering factor increased by 0.2–0.4 at the index of 2.9 under control; the leaf surface in the phases of tillering, stalk shooting, and ear formation also increased by 12–23, 6–13, and 9–19%, respectively, while under control the leaf surface was 11.7, 29.4, and 37.8 thousand m2/ha; PSP increased by 9–16% while under control it was 1,21 million m2 days/ha. The highest and most stable results were provided by applying MWF of EHF in the mode of 0.9 kW/kg, 45 sec only, or additional treatment with the Mars EL preparation. The pre-sowing treatment of Aspect and Vyklyk varieties seeds with MWF of EHF in 0.9 kW/kg, 45 sec or 1.8 kW/kg, 20 sec, and the growth regulators Radostim or Albit increased the height of plants on the average by 3.4–8.0 cm. The plant density increased by 5–10%, the leaf surface in the phases of tillering, stalk shooting, and ear formation increased by 7–16, 6–30, and 10–32% in the Aspect variety. In the Vyklyk variety, these indices were 13–33, 8–36, and 9–37%, respectively. The PSP increased by 8–27% and 11–37% in Aspect and Vylkyl varieties, while in control, these indices were 51.9 and 43.9 cm, 293 and 328 pcs/m2, 9.9, 19.1, 15.6, 9.9, 19.0, and 15.9 thousand m2/ha, 0.63 and 0.63 million m2 days/ha, respectively.

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