Investigating aesthetic components of environmental graphics of Iran birds garden
M.H. Pour
This main purpose of this study was to investigate the aesthetic components of environmental graphics of Iran Birds Garden using a method of descriptive analytics. Library resources were used to collect data. Two bird gardens in Asia were selected as the research statistical population and were analyzed qualitatively. The major objectives of this study were designing new and efficient ideas to increase the Iranian and foreign tourists, investigating Asian birds garden in terms of pictograms, designing guide signs in this garden and finding a solution to improve this branch of graphics in Iran. The results indicated the use of simple and understandable pictographic symbols and signs, animal motifs inspired by birds original form and color can attract domestic and foreign tourists to these gardens. Since the environmental graphics as a powerful instrument and science to attract international and Iranian visitors has not received proper attention in Iran, this paper tried to investigate this branch of visual communication collecting comprehensive information about aesthetics and environmental graphics.
Keywords: Environmental graphics; aesthetics; pictograms; birds garden
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