Landscape Aspect Of The Mole Rats (spalax Microphthalmus Guldenstaedt 1770) Ecological Niche


А. V. Zhukov, О. N. Kunah, Т. М. Konovalova

The characteristic of mole rats ecological niche has been made on the basis of the data of earth remote sensing. With the help of the ecological niche factor analysis it was established, that integrity of a cover of steppe vegetation and an abundance of phytomass promote active development of mole rats populations. Also the attention is paid to such feature, that the ecological conditionality of the specialization of mole rats digging activity depends on time of the year: the indices are grouped according the month attribute, when the picture has been made. It should be noted that the ecological niche of mole rats is conjugated with steppe vegetation that is characterized by considerable seasonal variation of structure, abundance, and habit. This is why the description of ecological niche of mole rats as the component of steppe environment in terms of digital image could be done as combination of seasonal features, rather than relative constant image during vegetation period. Relief patterns as the factor determining the ecological niche refract through its influence on phytomass and steppe vegetation dynamics. It is shown that anthropogenic influence was the reason of ecological niche marginalization. The optimum area for this species has been displaced on slopes of beams and bayracks that are unsuitable for human economic activity.


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