
L. G. Kolesnichenko*, S. N. Vorobyov, O. S. Pokrovsky and E. S. Rabcevich

A series of interconnected soils were studied: Albic-Haplic Podzols, Albic-Stagnic Podzols, Histic-Albic Podzols и Epi-Histic Gleysols. The study area was located in the Northern taiga subzone, at the central part of the South Nadym-Pur province, in the Pyakupur River basin. Our article deals with the distribution of elements in the soil mineral horizons. The degree of profile differentiation of chemical elements was assessed using the illuviation coefficient Ki = СB/СE, where СB and СE are the content of the element in the illuvial and eluvial horizons and the coefficient of radial differentiation, where Kr = Ci/Cip, where Ci is the content of a chemical element in a particular genetic soil horizon, and Cip is the content in the parent rock. We also calculated the coefficient of lateral migration (Kl) - the ratio of the content of a chemical element in the studied subordinate landscape (Сp.) to its content in the autonomous landscape (Сl.) = Сp./Сl. Differences in the content of major and trace elements in the catenary gradient of environmental conditions were revealed. The series of accumulation of major and trace elements in different positions of the catena are close to each other, but not identical. The distribution of most elements along the soil profile occurs according to the eluvial-illuvial type, but the position in the relief determines the degree of migration of elements. At the border of the forest and the swamp, where the most intensive differentiation of elements along the soil profile was noted, a powerful geochemical barrier was revealed that accumulates substances coming from both lateral and horizontal runoff.

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