Metabolism in replacement chickens at different ratios of arginine and lysine


I. Ibatullin, M. Kryvenok, I. Ilchuk, V. Mykhalska, A. Getja, S. Boyarchuk

The influence of different levels of arginine and lysine in compound feeds of replacement chickens on their growth, development and metabolism was studied. The effective ratio of arginine to lysine in the diets of replacement chickens was experimentally established, which, depending on the rearing period, was: 1.0:1 for 1-3 weeks, 1.1:1 for 4-8 weeks, 1.2:1 for  16 weeks and 1.2:1 for 17-18 weeks. It was found that the change in the ratio of arginine and lysine in poultry diets has a much higher degree of influence on their productivity, digestibility of feed nutrients, assimilation and efficiency of amino acids than changes in the levels of these amino acids. It was found that the ratio of arginine and lysine in the last period of rearing chickens (16-18 weeks) to a lesser extent affects the productivity of replacement young (R2=0.59) compared to the first (R2=0.96) and second periods of rearing (R2=0.65). The growth of replacement young during all periods of the experiment and the nature of the effect of changes in levels and ratios of these amino acids in feed depending on age and productivity, described by a mathematical model with nonlinear characteristics (polynomial trend line), which has a higher value of approximation (R2) linear dependence. The use of modern modeling methods and the proposed regression equations allow to predict the content of amino acids in feed for replacement young poultry in accordance with the program of their cultivation and amino acid composition of feed.

Keywords: Replacement young stock; Essential amino acids; Arginine; Lysine; Prediction; Regression equation


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