Morphological variability, biochemical parameters of Hippophae rhamnoides L. berries and implications for their targeted use in the food-processing industry


T. Z. Moskalets, V. S. Frantsishko, O. V. Knyazyuk,V. M. Pelekhatyi, N. P. Pelekhata, V. V. Moskalets, A. H. Vovkohon, S. V. Sliusarenko, B. V. Morgun, S. M. Gunko, H. I. Podpriatov, V. I. Voitsekhivskyi, O. V. Voitsekhivska

The results of studying the morphological and biochemical parameters of plants of sea buckthorn are presented. For the first time, genotypes of sea buckthorn ranked by ontogenetic and morphological characteristics and ecological features (relation to the level of soil moisture and humidity air, providing soil nutrients, its рН, amount and mode of precipitation, lighting, positive and negative temperatures) natural, semi-natural and anthropic coenopopulations genotypes of sea buckthorn be ranked by ecomorphic affiliation to certain climate ecotypes (рolissia, forest-steppe) and subecotypes (western-forest-steppe, northern-forest-steppe, рolissia–forest-steppe, central-forest-steppe).
Biotypes, that have been a limited ability to carry soil and atmospheric drought (in which the root system is well developed, ground part with copious leaf cover), selected in natural and semi-natural places of growth appertain tо mesophytes (Ms). The genotypes, selected in catchment areas, the lowlands of Forest-Steppe, Polissia of Ukraine, appertain to mesohygrophytes (MsHg) (by morphological and physiological features characterized by weak drought and heat resistance – 6 points, require sufficient moisture and sufficient provision of organic and mineral substances, are weak frost resistant, but very resistant to temperature changes during the winter). A special group makes up widely ecological flexibility mesophyte plants of sea buckthorn – mesoxerophytes (wfMsKs) – are presented рolissia–forest-steppe subecotype, characterized by wide environmental plasticity, due to the high winter, drought and frost resistance, compared to others subecotype. Its have adapted to withstand prolonged of soil and air in the extreme phases of ontogeny, in particular, in the phase of fruit filling and ripening, giving high stable harvest. Particular breeding and economic value in terms of formation stably high yields under conditions of global climate change, its aridization and displacement borders zoning of fruit crops have xeromesophytes (KsMs) presented central forest-steppe subecotype – in view of the its relatively average demanding to soil and air moisture and resistance to moisture deficiency. Highlighted forms – sources of valuable economic features of sea buckthorn (large berry, firm skin, long berry peduncles and dry separation of berries and іts increased biological value, freezing capacity and making beverages, high yields.
Keywords: sea buckthorn, ecotype and subecotype, biometric indicators, quality of soft fruit berries by biochemical and technological criteria.
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