Participatory demonstration of alternative and conventional furrow irrigation on onion (Allium cepa L.) yield and water productivity in meskan woreda gochejib irrigation scheme, southern Ethiopia


T. Bekele* and M. Ahmed

In semi-arid areas of Ethiopia, water is the most limiting factor for crop production. Due this introducing different water saving technologies in needed. This on farm demonstration was done in Meskan passidp-II target irrigation scheme to assess AFI and conventional furrow irrigation effect on Onion yield and water productivity. Six clustered model farmers field used as sample demonstration site. The comparative treatments were AFI full irrigation application (100% ETc) (4 days irrigation interval) and Conventional/Farmer Practices (6 days irrigation interval) as control. Plot size was 10m by 10m on each farmer’s field. One year conducted result shows that maximum Onion bulb yield (9.082 ton/ha) and WP (3.79 kg/m3) were recorded on AFI application in 4 days irrigation interval. Minimum onion bulb yield (6.94 ton/ha) and WP (1.97 kg/m3) were obtained at conventional/farmers practice in 6 days irrigation interval. Therefore, using AFI application, there was significant yield difference between AFI and Farmers’ practice. Therefore, AFI practice is recommended to improve Onion production and WP in study area/scheme with recommended full packages.

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