Prerequisites and peculiarities of conservation and restoration of ecosystem stability of the concept of sustainable development


I.O. Yasnolob, T.O. Chayka, O.A. Galych, O.O. Gorb, M.M. Opara, N.M. Opara, Y. Kaliuzhna, T.V. Mokiienko

The article deals with defining of the term ‘ecosystem’ through the study of its essence and on the basis of the existing definitions. The state and ecological problems of Ukraine’s ecosystems from the point of view of the concept of sustainable development are considered. The principles of rational and careful attitude to ecosystems, which ensure their stability in a long-term perspective are identified. The functions of the regional policy on rational and careful attitude to national ecosystems are found out taking into account measures aimed at preventing losses in ecosystems. The directions of rational and careful attitude to national ecosystems which require implementation in all spheres of life are suggested. The measures that are supposed to allow to preserve, restore and use natural resources effectively as well as to ensure ecosystem stability and future development of Ukraine are structured.

Keywords: Ecosystem; sustainable development; natural resources; environmental problems; agricultural production

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