Preserving Vitamin C Content In Melons During Long-term Storage By Treatmnet With Ionized Air And Shrink Wrapping


D. S. Stepanenko

The paper presents and analyzes the results of experimental studies of the dynamics of vitamin C content in fruit of melons. We considered melons of average ripening period from Bereginya and Golden varieties during storage by treatment with ionized air and shrink wrapping. Studies conducted in 2011-2013 at the National Institute of Vine and Wine Magarach (Yalta) and Taurian State Agrotechnological University (Melitopol). For the experiment we used a melon fruit of medium ripening, varieties Golden and Bereginya that grow in the steppe zone of southern Ukraine (farm PE Borisov of Yakymovka district, Zaporozhye region). Collection of fruits and their selection for laying deposited were performed in accordance with relevant standards. To determine the mass concentration of ascorbic acid we used iodometric method. Before laying melon fruit for storage of pre-cooled for 25 hours and then spent processing and packaging. In our experiment, we maintained the relative humidity (GDP) about of 85% and air temperature of +3 Celcium degrees in the repository. The treatment was carried out using the fruits developed by own patented device for preparing food for storage.


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