Soil Temperature And Vegetation Cover In Sandy Steppe Plot (nature Reserve "dnieper-orelsky"
V. A. Novikova
It is shown that in the area of sandy steppe in a nature reserve "Dnieper-Orelsky" the soil temperature has been changed from 17.2 to 31.0 ° C. Loci with higher temperatures are on the left and right ends of the landfill, whereas the plot with lower temperature was located in the central region. There is a tendency of spatial variability of soil temperature, which could be explained by vegetation location and edaphic characteristics. We calculated the indicators of spatial dependence and the radius of influence with the help of geostatistical method and proved that the target plot had high degree of spatial dependence. It was established that the spatial variability of soil temperature is associated with vegetation and other soil characteristics within the studied plot. Woody plants, geophytes, and the number of roots have a negative correlation with all the studied parameters. A positive correlation was calculated for soil temperature and hemycryptophytes, terophytes, and hamephytes. The soil temperature has negative correlation with the humidity, whereas the soil density is positively correlated with soil temperature.