Study Of Genome Size Representatives Of The Genus Potentilla L. (rosaceae Juss.)


A. A. Kechaykin, M. V. Skaptsov, S. V. Smirnov, M. G. Kutsev, A. I. Shmakov

In our study, 15 representatives of the genus Potentilla L. were analyzed to obtain the relative DNA content and monoploid genome size in the seeds by flow cytometry method. For these Potentilla species, except P. argentea and P. norvegica, DNA content and genome size are revealed for the first time. As a result, the following data were obtaining: representatives of the older section Desertae are diploids with the large monoploid genome size. The genome of P. asiatica (Chrysanthae section) are decrease up to 0.35 pg, while the ploidy is increased to 4. Representatives of the Multifidae and Supinae section are presented with tetra- and hexaploid species with the 0.3 pg of the monoploid genome size. In section Tanacetifoliae are observed a further decrease of the genome size, representatives basically tetraploids. Thus, in the genome size evolution of a Potentilla genera are observed the increase of ploidy with significant reductions in monoploid genome size. This fact proves the general theory of genome evolution of angiosperms, directed towards its reduction. Linear regression analysis was showed a positive correlation between chromosome number and genome size of the representatives of the Potentilla genera. This suggests that between genome size and the number of chromosomes in Potentilla species are linear dependence. Pearson correlation analysis confirmed this result: the correlation coefficient is 0.97 at P<0.05.


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