The agrochemical properties of organogenic wastes and the possibility of preparing composts


S. Pardaev*, Sh.T. Kholikulov and T.K Ortikov

The article presents data on the chemical composition of solid household waste, manure, straw, and silt, as well as the possibility of disposal of solid household waste of the city of Samarkand by composting them with cattle manure, straw of winter wheat, and silt of freshwater of Hishrau Lake of Samarkand. At the same time, an assessment was made of these components' chemical composition and agrochemical property in terms of their compatibility for composting, maturation, and nutritional value  of composts. The municipal solid waste (MSW) city of Samarkand has a high content of organic substances, organic carbon, ash content, and therefore, as a source of humus, is of great importance in composting composts. Manure has all the nutrients for plant nutrition and low carbon to nitrogen ratio, enhancing the decomposition of MSW and straw during composting. The studied the composition and properties of MSW, and other organic wastes are essential factors for modern global municipal solid waste management policies.

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