The current state of flora in the National Nature Park Podilski Tovtry (Ukraine)


L.G. Lyubinska, O.V. Mudrak, D.V. Andrusiak, G.V. Mudrak, T.V. Dushnnova

The article considers the current state of the flora of the National Nature Park (NNP) “Podilski Tovtry”, one of the largest in Ukraine, occupying 261,316 hectares, where about 72% are anthropogenic landscapes, which significantly affected the transformation of its flora. The article provided the park’s characteristics from physical-geographical, geomorphological, geobotanical, and floristic zoning. It describes the species composition of flora, its biomorphological, ecological, ecotopic, and ecocoenotic features. The park’s systematic structure has been established, its biomorphological and chorological analysis, and the flora’s ecological structure concerning the water regime of soils, light regime have been carried out. The influence of edaphic factors and phytoenvironment that lead to the formation of the corresponding ecocenomorphs has been clarified. The degree of anthropogenic transformation of flora according to different indices is determined. The autphytososological index of flora was calculated, and its sosological analysis was performed.

Keywords: biodiversity, flora, anthropogenic transformation, sozology, National Nature Park “Podilski Tovtry”



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