The present state of biodiversity and fauna of daytime butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) in the vicinity of the Kaniv district


I.Ya. Truskavetska

By playing a significant role in ecosystems, like consuments-phytophages and pollinators, daytime luskokryli (Diurna) is one of the most notable in nature of insect groups and has a scientific-cognitive and aesthetic value. In our work, we investigated the present state of biodiversity and the species composition of the daytime butterflies of the Kaniv district, in particular, the village of Buchak. The basis of our study was the refinement of taxonomic species, the establishment of relative numbers, as well as the period of the flight of adults and the number of generations per year, which in the future will enable the development of effective ecologically sound methods for controlling the number of species of pests and optimizing the number of rare beneficial species.
Buchak is one of the few villages spread out in the middle of the forests on the hills of the Dnipro, on the right bank of the lower water area of the Kaniv reservoir, twenty kilometers from the city of Kanev, Cherkassy region of Ukraine. The distribution of the fauna of daytime butterflies and the peculiarities of their existence in different biotopes, among which are identified 5 main types: open lowland meadows, mixed forests, forest-steppe areas, right bank of the river Dnipro and lake Buchak, agrobiocenoses. The quality of representativeness of the species diversity of the fauna of the day luskokrylykh has been estimated by calculating their index of domination and the distribution index in the main biotopes of the studied territory. Twenty five species of daytime luskokrylykh from 6 families (Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Syntomidae, Hesperiidae) were caught. The most rich in species composition of daytime butterflies of the studied area are forest-steppe areas, and the least numerous are areas on the right bank of the river Dnipro and lake Buchak.

Keywords: Lipidopterology; village Buchak; variety; biotopes; forests; meadows; agrocenoses

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