The Relationship between philosophy and technology in the agricultural development approach


M.M. Vajari, S.J.F. Hosseini, S.M. Mirdamadi, M. Akrami

This research studies the relationship between philosophy and technology in the agricultural development approach. It was necessary to carry out this research due to the lack of sufficient knowledge of the philosophical nature of agricultural technology, which has led to the reliance on the creation of unthinking, unrealistic, non-end-oriented, and non-humanistic technology inconsistent with original nature. The methodology of this research was a qualitative research method of discourse analysis based on Laclau and Mouffe's approach, which is an analytical-descriptive, yet critical, approach. The research tool was a face-to-face interview, a written interview, and a questionnaire. Samples selected for the interview were philosophers (Iranian and non-Iranians) and experts in technology-related research areas. In this research, following the interview and implementation of texts, 9 sub-sets of discourse semantic system were extracted and analyzed in the form of a key discourse of technology philosophy including technology discourse, freedom discourse in the technological world, existential discourse in technology philosophy, engineering discourse in technology philosophy, idealism discourse in technology philosophy, discourse of the development of meaning in technological civilization, discourse of agricultural philosophy, discourse of the effectiveness of philosophical schools on the formation and development of technology philosophy, and prospective discourse (based on imagination) in the global technological system.

Keywords: Technology; philosophy of technology; agricultural philosophy; philosophy of agricultural promotion and education; machinery

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