The study of source material for selection of white clover in the conditions of precarpathian


O.R. Perehrym*

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) is one of the most important forage legumes because of its large spread, good adaptability, high nutritive value and by its nitrogen-fixing capacity. It is adaptable to a wide range of soil and environmental conditions and combines well with many perennial grasses. This is an irreplaceable pasture grass. Increasing the efficiency of clover sowing is possible due to the improvement of selection work, because the main role in the implementation and use of this crop in production belongs to the variety. As we know, successful selection work with any agricultural plant depends on the correct selected source material and the effectiveness of the selection of parental forms. Therefore, the study of collection samples of white clover and the selection of promising forms for breeding is a topical issue today.

The three-year results of selection work with white clover in a collection nursery are presented in the article. The material for the study were 30 samples from 5 countries: Ukraine-20, Lithuania-6, Russia-2, Sweden-1, Germany-1. The research was conducted in soil and climatic conditions of Precarpathian. The characteristics of the studied samples of white clover for the main economic and valuable features are given. According to the results of the study, promising samples have been identified that can serve as a valuable source material for further selection work: by the yield of green mass during hay way of use (7 samples), by dry matter (8 samples), by seed productivity (5 samples), by leafiness (5 samples), by plant height (9 samples), by head diameter (8 samples), by the number of seeds in the head (5 samples), by weight of 1000 seeds (5 samples), by the length of peduncle (6 samples), by winter hardiness (8 samples), by resistance to powdery mildew (11 samples).

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