Use of different concentrations of enzymesporin probiotic in feeding of growing young pigs


I. M. Magomedaliev, R. V. Nekrasov, M. G. Chabaev, V. V. Dzhavakhiya, E. V. Glagoleva, M. I. Kartashov, D. A. Durnikin, A. V. Matsyura

The study, which included four groups of growing young pigs (each consisting of 30 animals), was arranged under conditions of the Bryansk meat-processing plant and laboratories of the Ernst Federal Research Center of Animal Husbandry. The duration of the experiment was 113 days. Animals of the group 1 (control) were fed with the SK-4, SK-5 and SK-6 mixed fodders without any probiotic additives. The Groups 2 and 3 were fed by a mixed fodder supplemented with the Enzymesporin probiotic (0.5 and 1.0 kg t1, respectively). The Group 4 was fed by a mixed fodder supplemented with the Virginiamycin antibiotic (250 g t-1). The feeding of different concentrations of the Enzymesporin probiotic complex and Virginiamycin antibiotic to the growing young pigs of the experimental Groups 2, 3, and 4 provided the average daily liveweight gain equal to 771.4, 775.4, and 818.8 g (5.8, 6.5, and 12.2%), respectively, as compared to the control. Addition of different dosages of the probiotic complex or the antibiotic to the fodder fed to the growing young pigs (Groups 2, 3, and 4) did not result in a significant increase in the lysozyme and bactericidal activity of blood serum and the phagocytic activity, though a tendency to the phagocytic index increase was observed. Addition of the probiotic complex to forage did not provide any negative impact on the intestinal microbiocoenosis; moreover, it positively influenced on the growth of lactobacteria.
Keywords: Growing young pigs; Weight gain; Probiotics; Antibiotics; Resistance; Microflora
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