
A.O. Butenko


Nitrogen balance in short crop rotations under various systems for restoring sod-podzolic soil fertility

Sumy National Agrarian University, Herasyma Kondratieva Str. 160, 40021, Sumy, Ukraine


A.O. Butenko is working as Associate Professor in Sumy National Agrarian University. Research experience includes various programs, contributions and participation in different countries for diverse fields of Plant Production, Agronomy. Main subjects are: "Fodder production and bulbs", "Crop production with the basics of fodder production", "Agrotechnology of creation and use of forage lands". Field of research: "Improvement of elements of technology of cultivation of annual forage crops, contributing to the increase of productivity and quality of feed in the conditions of the North-Eastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine"

Subjects of specialization: Agronomy, Agricultural Sciences

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