
A.P. Palii*, S.A. Mihalchenko, H.F. Chechui, A.P. Reshetnichenko, Y.E. Rozum, V.V. Bredykhin, O.V. Bogomolov, S.A. Denicenko, T.Y. Mitiashkina, A.I. Sychov, V.B. Savchenko, D.A. Levkin and A.P. Paliy

The safety and environmental purity of milk is determined by the total bacterial contamination, the indicators of which depend on the sanitary and hygienic state of production, the technical equipment of the enterprise, culture and discipline of production. It was established that milk with 1 point has the number of microorganisms of 87.0±8.0 × 103 per 1 cm2, which corresponds to the “Extra” quality (de luxe). When assessing the contamination of teats of II points, the number of microorganisms increased by 2.8 times, compared to I point teats - 246.0±16.0 × 103 per 1 cm2. At the same time the milk met the requirements of the top grade. The samples of milk of cows with contamination of teats of III points contained microorganisms in the amount of 378.0±47.0 × 103 per 1 cm3, which is 291 thous. per 1 cm3 CFU more than in samples of I point) and the milk refers, accordingly, to the first grade. The milk with the assessment of IV points had the bacterial contamination of 2668.0±85.0 × 103 per 1 cm3, which is 7 times more than in that of III points. According to these data, the milk samples met the requirements of the second grade. The milk with the assessment of V points had 1.3 times higher bacterial insemination, compared to that of IV points. A positive correlation was found between the contamination of cow’s teats according to the point assessment and bacterial contamination of the milk (r = +0.919). There was also a high correlation between contamination of the lavages from cow’s teats and bacterial contamination of the milk (r = +0.947).

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