Spatial analysis of the impact of main agrochemical characteristics of the soil on grain crops yield in the Volyn region


B.V. Matviichuk*, N.H. Matviichuk, S.I. Matkovska and M.M. Prystavskyi

Purpose: Establish patterns of spatial and temporal variability of cereals in the Volyn region in 1965-2017. Methods: Agrarian and ecological methods of multivariate statistics, cluster analysis, geographic information technology. Results: The article presents econometric research techniques for the establishment of interrelation between grain crops yield and exchangeable acidity level, content of main macronutrient elements, and humus in soil. To assess the impact on grain crops, we selected and analyzed the main macronutrient elements of the soil and yield of grain crops in the Volyn region. The agrochemical passport of the field, the land parcel in Ukraine is an integral legal document that contains data on the actual condition of the soil and its changes over time and serves as a basis of the state control over land use. Soil characteristics that are recorded in the agrochemical passport of the field, land parcel every 5 years allow to trace changes in soil quality and, therefore, control quality of land use, detect soil fertility decline, forecast further changes of soil cover. Today, research at the intersection of different sciences holds a specific place in scientific cognition system. We have used econometric techniques for our research to learn the laws of growth and development of agricultural crops. Conclusions: The simulation results demonstrated the statistical significance of the model obtained. Integrated model (R2 >0,65, p-value >0,001), that includes all districts, demonstrated that, if phosphor is applied above the fertilizer application rate by 1 kg and other factors remain unchanged, the grain crops yield decreases by 0.004 dt/ha and, oppositely, if potassium is applied above the fertilizer application rate grain crops yield increases by 0.22 dt/ha, when the content of humus content increases by 1 unit, the yield also increases by 9.21 dt/ha, increase in exchangeable acidity level by 1 unit decreases the grain crops yield by 4.16 dt/ha. Furthermore, the model we have designed allowed us to make a list of certain administrative regions where it is not recommended to apply mineral fertilizers above the norm. Through analysis, we have established regional (district-based) characteristics of grain crops development and got a chance to use this information later for agricultural activities to plan rotation of crops and volume of mineral and organic fertilizers to be applied.

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